Daily Living and Life Skills

At Emerald Care, we recognize the importance of mastering daily living and life skills for individuals living with disabilities to achieve independence and lead fulfilling lives. Our comprehensive support services are designed to empower participants to develop essential skills, build confidence, and navigate daily tasks with ease.


Our Approach

We believe in fostering independence while providing the necessary guidance and support to help individuals achieve their fullest potential.


Holistic Support

Our dedicated team works closely with participants to identify areas for growth, set achievable goals, and develop personalised strategies for success.

Services We Offer

Personal Care Skills: We provide support and assistance with personal care tasks such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting, helping participants maintain hygiene and self-care routines with dignity and independence.

Meal Planning and Preparation: We offer guidance and assistance with meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and nutrition education, empowering participants to make healthy food choices and prepare nutritious meals independently.

Household Management: We teach essential household management skills such as cleaning, laundry, organization, and budgeting, equipping participants with the tools they need to maintain a clean, safe, and comfortable living environment.

Financial Management: We provide education and support with budgeting, money management, bill paying, and financial planning, helping participants develop the skills and confidence to manage their finances responsibly and independently.

Communication and Social Skills: We offer coaching and practice opportunities to develop effective communication, socialization, and interpersonal skills, empowering participants to build meaningful relationships, navigate social situations, and advocate for themselves effectively.

Transportation and Mobility Skills: We assist participants in learning safe and independent transportation and mobility skills, including navigating public transportation, using mobility aids, and practicing pedestrian safety.